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The Governance page displays operations related to creating / voting on polls. For more details regarding the Valkyrie Governance process, click here.
The Governance page displays the following data:
VKR info : This section displays information on the state of VKR: price, total staked and APR
Stake : This section operations related to VKR staking. Detailed explanation here
Poll History : Each poll has a unique poll ID, poll type (whitelist or parameter change), poll result, voting ratio, and end time.
Navigate to the Governance page and click Create Poll
2. Select a poll type to submit.
3. After entering desired inputs, click the activated button to confirm.
5. Station Extension should prompt you to sign the transaction. Confirm the details presented and input your password to sign.
Navigate to the Governance page and select a poll that is In Progress
2. After checking the details of this poll, click Vote
3. Select YES
, NO
, and enter the amount to use as voting power.
5. Click Submit
to confirm. Station Extension should prompt you to sign the transaction. Confirm the details presented and input your password to sign.
For every poll to be passed, they must meet the conditions below:
Voting quorum must be greater than or equal to quorum
(initially set to 10% on Mainnet) of the total staked VKR. Regardless of YES
ratio, the poll will not pass if it does not meet the quorum.
YES votes must be greater than NO votes
Voting period (number of blocks corresponding to 1 week) has ended
After the voting period is over and the poll passes, it takes 1 day (number of blocks corresponding to a day) for the poll to become effective in the protocol.